BOOLEAN004 = 1
INT011 = INT011 / 2
AdjTime -5
DispFile STRING003 + "THUDOUT", 1
Goto LABEL000
If (!(BOOLEAN005 == 1)) Goto LABEL040
PrintLn "@X0FAre you SUICIDAL? They are watching you VERY CAREFULLY now! PLEASE"
PrintLn "don't tilt the machines!"
Newlines 3
DispFile STRING003 + "TESTARM", 1
Goto LABEL020
BOOLEAN005 = 1
Newlines 3
PrintLn "@X0BYou sneak a quick look over your shoulder. No one seems to be paying"
PrintLn "attention. @X02Besides, it's not YOUR FAULT the DAMN machine won't fess up"
PrintLn "with your royal winnings. You look again. Everyone looks drunk and"
PrintLn "preoccupied."
PrintLn "@X0BWith sudden resolve, you grasp the sides of the machine, @X02yank it heavily to"
PrintLn "the side, let it crash back on its own . . . and then KICK it once for"
PrintLn "good measure. You are feeling pretty good about yourself. In fact, you"
PrintLn "haven't felt THIS good since your favorite BBS ditched Keith Anderson's KBBS"
PrintLn "software with great fanfare."
PrintLn "@X0BWhat a stud, @X02you mumble under your breath. The machine stops rocking."
PrintLn "The wheels stop spinning."
PrintLn "@X0BSomeone taps you on the shoulder. You freeze, hesitating a moment."
Newlines 2
PrintLn "@X0EA sexy little brunette thing @X02in a slinky, satin evening dress saunters up,"
PrintLn "rubs her wet lip with a moist finger and looks you up and down."
PrintLn "@X0BI saw you tilt that machine, @X02she says. Her voice is like that of a"
PrintLn "seductress, and her body beats anything Madonna has on a GOOD day."
PrintLn "@X0BYou know, @X02she says, @X0Byou and I are gonna have to talk about this. You could"
PrintLn "get in big trouble if I report this to my fiancè, Mario, who owns this"
PrintLn "joint. I think he's out of the slammer now, but I'm not sure. Anyway,"
PrintLn "if he's still locked up for killing that guy who brought his own"
PrintLn "special dice, his brother, Anthony, will be happy to take care of it"
PrintLn "in his stead. Especially since he and I are close . . . real close."
PrintLn "Know what I mean? So, what are we gonna do about this?"
PrintLn "@X02She strokes her warm fuzzy pet hamster and waits for your answer."
InputStr "@X0D[@X0FI@X0D]@X0Egnore her@X0D, [@X0FT@X0D]@X0Eell a joke@X0D, @X0ETickle her pet @X0D[@X0FH@X0D]@X0Eamster", STRING006, 11, 1, Mask_Ascii(), 8
If ((STRING006 == "H")) Goto LABEL041
If ((STRING006 == "I")) Goto LABEL042
If ((STRING006 == "T")) Goto LABEL043
DispFile STRING003 + "TESTARM", 1
Goto LABEL020
Newlines 2
PrintLn "@X0BWhat a warm, fuzzy hamster you have, @X02you say. You hope your eyes"
PrintLn "don't give you away. @X0BYou know, back where I come from, we spell it"
PrintLn "H-A-M-M-S-T-E-R. I see you have it spelled this way on the slot machines,"
PrintLn "too. Perhaps we have more in common than you think."
PrintLn "@X02She says nothing, but begins stroking her furry hammster absently."
PrintLn "@X02You're still a bit wary of her, but you want to rub that hammster probably"
PrintLn "more than she does. You reach out confidently and start petting it fondly,"
PrintLn "growing more fonder by the minute. @X0BYou've got the nicest hammster I've"
PrintLn "EVER seen, @X02you say, looking into her eyes. Her gaze is penetrating. Her"
PrintLn "lips part and you hear the faintest of sighs."
Gosub LABEL044
Newlines 2
PrintLn "@X0BYou know, @X02she says, @X0Bmost just want me for my warm, furry hammster."
PrintLn "You're not like the rest of them, are you?"
PrintLn "@X0FTickle, tickle, TICKLETICKLETICKLETICKLE! @X02you say, ignoring the question."
PrintLn "The hammster squirms pleasingly in your grasp."